Difference between Prompt Table with No Edit and Prompt Table with Edit?

Prompt Table with No Edit:
                                           Provides users with a list of suggested values, but does not edit the contents of the  field against the prompt table. Users can enter any value.

Prompt Table Edit:
                                 Edits the contents of the field against the values that are maintained in the specified prompt table. Selecting this option activates the Prompt Table field.          

Viewing Record Definitions

You can see four views of the record by selecting View from the main toolbar:
  1. Field Display:
                              Shows the basic field definition characteristics for fields in the record definition.   (Len(length), Format, Short Name and Long Name).
     2.  Use Display:

                            Shows key-related characteristics and default values for fields that determine how fields are used in a record. 
(Key, Ordr (order), Dir (direction), CurC (currency control), Srch (search), List, Sys (system), Audt (audit), InTypAhd, EnTypAhd, Default).

     3. Edit Diaplay:

                           Shows all editing options (edit as a validation rule) that are available for fields in a record.
(Req (required), Edit, Prompt Table, Set Control Field, Rs Dt (reasonable date), Event).

     4. PeopleCode Display:

                           Shows the different events and the user can choose required event to write PeopleCode.

(Note: Num, Fieldname, Type are commonly appear in all kinds of view.)

Types of Tables in PeopleSoft?

  1. SQL Table
  2. SQL View
  3. Dynamic View
  4. Derived/Work
  5. SubRecord
  6. Queryview
  7. Temporary Table.

What is Translate Table?

A Translate Table(xlat) is a prompt table that serves as data dictionary to store values for fields that dont need individual prompt tables of their own.

Limitations of Translate Tables:
  • Field type should be character.
  • Field Length should be 1 to 4 characters.
  • Field values consist of relatively small(static).
  • No other Fields related to this Field.

What is Field in PeopleSoft?

Fields are basic building blocks in PeoleSoft, in database terms, they represent columns in a table or view.
Field definitions are standalone development definitions, defined in PeopleSoft Application Designer, and can be shared across multiple Record definitions. Changes to Field properties affect all records that include that Field.
Attributes of Field are:
  • Datatype
  • Field Name
  • Long Name
  • Short Name
  • Field Length
  • Format.

What is PeopleTools?

PeopleTools is a collection of software Programs, utility scripts, database tables and data that provide the framework for creating, using and modifying PeopleSoft applications. PeopleTools provide built-in business functionality and maintain the capability that directly increase productivity and simplify system design.

Eight Steps of Application Development

Application development is a systematic process. Between the design and implementation of the application, you define and build application definitions, establish relationships, implement security, and test every aspect thoroughly. When developing in the PeopleSoft environment, it is helpful to look at the development phase as an eight step process:
   1. Design the application.
   2. Create field definitions.
   3. Create record definitions.
   4. Build the application data tables.
   5. Create page definitions.
   6. Define components.
   7. Register the components.
   8. Test the application.